Peter Thiel, Steve Forbes to Headline COSM Technology Summit


SEATTLE, July 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — From the microcosm to the telecosm to the cryptocosm, technology economist George Gilder has been at the leading edge of internet architecture for over 30 years. Now, along with Discovery Institute, he is convening the COSM Technology Summit to explore converging technologies as we move towards life after Google.

Peter Thiel, Steve Forbes to Headline COSM Technology Summit

COSM is the premiere national technology summit focusing on the future of converging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cryptocurrency, 5G, autonomous vehicles, biotech and cloud computing. COSM takes place in the Pacific Northwest at the Bellevue Westin Hotel, October 23rd -25th and registration information is available at COSM.Technology.

“The COSM Summit will unveil a global agora of opportunity for both businesses and consumers,” said George Gilder, famed technology futurist, author and co-founder of the conference host, Discovery Institute. “It will open doors to new tools and therapies, revived data integrity and transformed networks. Upended will be the currently porous pyramid of insecure centralized systems as the COSM enables an exciting vision of a virtual and viral technology that will both surprise and inspire us.”

COSM will feature many of the great minds of our day including nationally recognized speakers like Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, Steve Forbes; venture capitalist and co-founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel; inventor, entrepreneur, and Director of Engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil; global investor and market guru Ken Fisher; President and chief legal officer of Microsoft, Brad Smith: Google Glass creator and Amazon Vice President, Babak Parviz; scientist, engineer and Professor Emeritus at CalTech, Carver Mead; famed technology futurist author and economist, George Gilder.

“The COSM Summit is convening some of the most creative minds in artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, and blockchain to explore how these fields of change converge in a new Internet architecture and global monetary system,” Gilder added.

Participants at COSM will explore how technology intersects with government regulation, international competitiveness, investing, freedom, and the triumph of the human spirit through keynote speeches and Q&A, panel discussions, and ample informal interactions with national technology leaders, industry peers, and colleagues.

Complete details and registration information can be found at

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