Bounce Back from COVID-19 with Tools to Create a Safe Environment

health news

BRIGHTON, Mass., May 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Almost every state in the US has begun their phased reopening. Operating in this environment can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to. Tamarin is excited to announce that it is helping businesses bounce back from COVID-19 by providing tools and resources to create a safe environment.

With Tamarin’s simple platform, you can:

  • Have an effective testing plan that meets your needs whether an on-site pop up, at home, or clinical setting
  • Utilize Clear to WorkTM virtual badges to ensure a safe atmosphere
  • Easily follow symptom tracking and contact tracing guidelines with an in-platform health questionnaire and attestation
  • Leverage robust HR and HIPAA compliant data for operational decisions such as temporary shutdowns and re-opens

All data in Tamarin’s platform is stored in a way that cannot be deleted or changed by anyone. This means there will always be a verifiable, time stamped record of data such as symptoms and COVID-19 status, which is crucial from a compliance and liability standpoint.

Tamarin is already working with employers such as Tejas Productions, a full-service designer and manufacturer of oil and gas production equipment based in Texas:

“As an essential business, we stayed open, and I saw the impact of COVID-19 on my team,” said Hunter Follett, CEO of Tejas. “I chose Tamarin because I wanted to protect the health of our workforce. We are now taking a consistent approach in partnership with Tamarin that is reducing absenteeism and helping keep our intracompany infections at zero.”

Opening and keeping doors open will require technical and non-technical implementations, which is why Tamarin combines their platform with additional support services.

“My background is in public health and tech – which gives employers an advantage when they work with us,” said Kat Kuzmeskas, MPH, CEO of Tamarin. “While I never thought I’d experience a pandemic, this is quite literally what we study and prepare for. Everyone needs to create a safe environment – universities and schools, camps, events – it’s more than businesses. We designed our tools with this universal need in mind.”

To get started with Tamarin’s platform, register here.

About Tamarin
When COVID-19 hit, Tamarin’s Medicare volume decreased dramatically, so it turned its tech toward helping establish safe environments and prepare for the next wave. Founded in 2017, Tamarin is passionate about seamlessly connecting employers, providers, and individuals to the tools they need to attain optimal health.

Media Contact:
Katherine Kuzmeskas 

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