Dr. Anthony Fauci to be special guest and panelist at Silicon Valley Leadership Group’s Annual Forum


SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — On October 30th, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, will be the special guest at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group’s 24th Annual Forum, a virtual version of its Annual Policy Luncheon. Dr. Fauci joins Leadership Group CEO Ahmad Thomas in a candid, important conversation on the state of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

“We’re incredibly fortunate to speak to Dr. Fauci at this critical time for the Silicon Valley.”

“We’re incredibly fortunate to speak to Dr. Fauci at this critical time for the Silicon Valley and our country,” says SVLG CEO Thomas. “We’ll talk about what we’ve learned about Covid-19 but also how our companies and innovators in Silicon Valley can help with implementation and distribution as we hopefully move soon toward the vaccine stage of the virus.”

Following the conversation, Dr. Fauci will join an expert panel with Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody and COVID-19 Testing Officer Dr. Marty Fenstersheib for a discussion on COVID at the local, regional and state levels. Promo video HERE.

The other major focus of this year’s Annual Forum will be a Racial Justice & Equity panel as part of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group’s commitment to expanding representation throughout Silicon Valley. The SVLG was the only major business group to support the recent signed Assembly Bill 979 by Assemblyman Chris Holden. It ensures California’s publicly-traded corporations have individuals on their boards of directors from underrepresented groups.

Finally, at every Annual Forum, the SVLG honors an individual who’s had a transformative impact on our greater community with the Spirit of Silicon Valley Lifetime Achievement Award. This year’s recipient is AMD CEO, Lisa T. Su, for her incredible leadership turning AMD into a global trailblazer and her local commitment to Silicon Valley as Co-Chair of San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo’s Silicon Valley Recovery Roundtable.

Friday, October 30, 2020
9:00 am11:15 am
Zoom Virtual Event

Admission tickets on sale HERE. Attendees will be sent conference links after registering.

To register at no charge, media should click HERE. Select “Enter Promotional Code” and enter MEDIA-AL20. Registered media will be sent a conference link on October 29, 2020.

*None of the speakers or panelists are receiving funds or donations to appear at this event.

Contact: Pam Kelly
(408) 483-2410

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SOURCE Silicon Valley Leadership Group