Freespira’s Digital Therapeutic Now Available to Help Adolescents With Panic Attacks, Panic Disorder and PTSD

KIRKLAND, Wash., March 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Freespira, Inc., maker of the first FDA-cleared digital therapeutic to significantly reduce or eliminate symptoms of panic attacks, panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in only 28 days, today announced that its product is now available for adolescents, ages 13 years or older, in addition to adults who have already had access to the groundbreaking treatment.*
The change comes at a critical time as the coronavirus pandemic intensifies a mental health crisis that had already afflicted millions of Americans. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, 53 percent of U.S. adults report that their mental health has been negatively impacted by the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that nearly 3 million children have been diagnosed with a serious emotional or behavioral health condition during the pandemic. U.S. hospitals also saw a 31% increase in the proportion of mental health emergency visits for adolescents ages 12 to 17 from April to October 2020.
“Adolescence is difficult in the best of times but especially difficult now,” said Dean Sawyer, Chief Executive Officer, Freespira. “We’re grateful to be able to offer Freespira to address adolescents’ behavioral health needs. It’s a medication-free at-home treatment that takes just 28 days to complete and has been proven by multiple clinical studies to significantly reduce or eliminate symptoms in 86% of panic disorder patients and 89% of PTSD patients. It also helps adolescents develop the self-management skills that will help them long after their Freespira treatment has ended.”
Children’s Community Health Plan, an HMO dedicated to providing access to the highest quality health care and services for members living in Wisconsin, is the first organization to offer Freespira to adolescents. The health plan serves more than 160,000 adults and children with the combined resources of Children’s Hospital, Children’s Community Services, Children’s specialty, primary care clinics and community partners.
Freespira is transforming the treatment of panic disorder and PTSD with its approach to addressing the underlying physiological cause of these conditions. The treatment normalizes breathing irregularities developed in response to underlying carbon dioxide (CO2) hypersensitivity, which contributes to the symptoms of panic disorder and PTSD. Freespira helps by providing users with real-time physiological feedback-based training to normalize their respiration rate and exhaled CO2 levels. As an alternative to medications and therapy, Freespira’s at-home, twice daily, 17-minute treatments normalize breathing patterns throughout the 28-day treatment program to reduce or eliminate symptoms. Telehealth coaching also helps to guide patients through the care journey to deliver maximum benefits.
To learn more about Freespira for adolescents and how it can help, please visit
*Freespira is indicated (FDA-cleared) as an adjunctive treatment of symptoms associated with panic disorder, panic attacks and/or PTSD in patients 18 and older. In younger patients, Freespira has been evaluated and is being made available as permitted by FDA’s COVID-19 Enforcement Discretion Guidance.
About Freespira, Inc.
Freespira, Inc. is the maker of Freespira, the only FDA-cleared digital therapeutic proven to significantly reduce or eliminate symptoms of panic attacks, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in just 28 days by training users to normalize respiratory irregularities. Health plans, self-insured employers and the Veteran’s Administration provide the company’s drug-free solutions to improve quality of life, reduce medical expenditures and support the appropriate use of valuable healthcare resources. Find out how at
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Todd Stein
Todd Stein Communications
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