Recce Pharmaceuticals Announces The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Addition of Recce’s Lead Compound RECCE® 327 to List of Antibiotic Treatments in Clinical Development

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RECCE® 327 (R327) has been added to The Pew Charitable Trusts’ annual list of Non-traditional Products in Development to Combat Bacterial Infections identifying new antibiotic treatments in development worldwide.
RECCE® 327 (R327) has been added to The Pew Charitable Trusts’ annual list of Non-traditional Products in Development to Combat Bacterial Infections identifying new antibiotic treatments in development worldwide.


  • RECCE® 327 included in The Pew Charitable Trusts’ annual assessment of non-traditional antibiotic treatment in clinical development
  • RECCE® 327 is the only synthetic polymer drug candidate for treating sepsis currently in development
  • New “outside-the-box” drugs are critically needed, with conventional antibiotic pipeline extremely thin

SYDNEY Australia, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ASX:RCE) (FSE:R9Q), is pleased to announce its lead compound RECCE® 327 (R327) has been added to The Pew Charitable Trusts’ annual list of Non-traditional Products in Development to Combat Bacterial Infections identifying new antibiotic treatments in development worldwide.

“We welcome inclusion of our lead compound in this important annual global record of efforts underway to address the urgent unmet medical need to develop new antibiotic treatments,” said Recce Pharmaceuticals Chief Executive Officer James Graham. “May this bring light to those at risk or suffering from sepsis, an infection for which no specific treatments exist, at this time.”

The Non-traditional Products in Development to Combat Bacterial Infections register is a key part of the respected independent non-profit organization’s efforts to help health and medical researchers better understand bacterial infections and address antibiotic resistance. The Pew Charitable Trusts’ stated mission is to serve the public interest by improving public policy, informing the public, and invigorating civic life.

The register of non-traditional treatments shows 36 candidates which are in clinical development as of March 2021. It includes new approaches ranging from well-known medical interventions, such as vaccines and immunotherapies, to new therapies which have never been approved for use in human medicine.

The list identifies each product and its manufacturer, type of approach, potential indications, target or mechanism of action, and stage in the clinical development process.

About Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ASX: RCE) is pioneering the development and commercialisation of New Classes of Synthetic Anti-Infectives designed to address the urgent global health problems of antibiotic resistant superbugs and emerging viral pathogens.

Recce’s anti-infective pipeline is unique and comprised of broad-spectrum synthetic polymer antibiotics RECCE® 327, RECCE® 435, and RECCE® 529 for viral infections with unique mechanisms of action against hyper-mutation on bacteria and viruses, respectively.

Patented lead candidate RECCE® 327 has been developed for the treatment of blood infections and sepsis derived from E. coli and S. aureus bacteria – including their superbug forms. Recce’s new antibiotic compound, RECCE® 435, has been formulated for oral use.

The FDA has awarded RECCE® 327 Qualified Infectious Disease Product designation under the Generating Antibiotic Initiatives Now (GAIN) Act – labelling it for Fast Track Designation, plus 10 years of market exclusivity post approval. Further to this designation, RECCE® 327 has been included on The Pew Charitable Trusts Global New Antibiotics in Development Pipeline as the only synthetic polymer drug candidate for treating sepsis currently in development.

Recce wholly owns its automated manufacturing, ready to support first-in-human clinical trials. Recce’s anti-infective pipeline seeks to exploit the unique capabilities of RECCE® technologies targeting synergistic, unmet medical needs.

Corporate Contact
James Graham
Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd
+61 (02) 8075 4585

Media and Investor Relations (AU)
Andrew Geddes
+61 (02) 9267 4511

Media and Investor Relations (USA)
Meredith Sosulski, Ph.D.
LifeSci Communications
+1 929 469 3851

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Image Source: The Pew Charitable Trusts 2021

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