Flowcell and TerraScale Announce Partnership to Deliver Cloud-based Solutions for Processing Clinical Data to Generate Biomarkers

SWAMPSCOTT, Mass., Feb. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — FlowCell Inc., which delivers microfluidics and bioinformatics solutions to life scientists has entered into a partnership with TerraScale Inc., a green technology and infrastructure development company reinventing the future of global sustainable development models.

FlowCell has expertise in development of biomarkers, which it plans to deliver as a software or platform as a service, providing AI tools to clinicians, as well as modern tools enabling better biomarker discovery.
FlowCell is partnering with TerraScale to deliver Cloud-based solutions for processing clinical data to generate biomarkers. To support this data pipeline, TerraScale brings data center technology, cyber security, and regulatory compliance for medical data.

In collaboration with other partners who deliver medical compliance, TerraScale extends its sustainability exchange platform to medical data for FlowCell. The resultant Cloud Repository System will be populated and analyzed by FlowCell. FlowCell is delivering comprehensive solutions for bio-computation, which enables advanced models of disease and precision or personalized medicine.

The partnership will seek to solve many of the problems of data fragmentation through tokenization and financial technology innovation via TerraScale and data analysis and biotechnological modeling from FlowCell.

“An NFT can really be anything digital,” says Philip Eggen, CTO and Co-founder of TerraScale. “But we are reinventing that concept through biodata in a way the world has never seen before, leveraging advanced technologies to revolutionize the worlds of MedTech and blockchain.”

“We can provide ample motivation for clinicians to participate, bringing together a vast network of providers, and seriously addressing the challenges of clinical trial enrollment… clearly, creating such solutions requires addressing multiple facets of the problem at the same time,” says Max Narovlyansky, founder and CEO of FlowCell. “The partnership of TerraScale with FlowCell will address these problems holistically for the first time. The result is sustainable solutions for healthcare, which can dramatically improve outcomes, while reducing costs.”

“Our vision goes beyond enhanced management of electronic health records, and dramatically improves efficiency of drug development and applications through AI,” Narovlyansky added. “Together we plan to unlock great value by empowering better allocation of resources for pharma, hospitals, insurance companies, and most importantly, patients, who are given correct drug combinations from the start.”

About FlowCell Inc.
FlowCell’s mission is to promote the development of, and access to, precision medicine tools and services through FlowCell’s aggregated and curated precision medicine marketplace – a marketplace that serves the drug development, hospital and clinical communities, as well as researchers – and, in the process, improve the Human Condition. Because of FlowCell’s teams’ deep and extensive knowledge base and expertise in the allied fields of Clinical Medicine, Medical Research, and Drug Development, FlowCell has the opportunity to develop the singular standards through which all precision medicine organizations are regulated, certified, and recognized. As such, FlowCell shall, ultimately, become the international Industry Standards organization for precision medicine certification.

For more information on FlowCell, please visit: https://flowcell.co/

About TerraScale Inc.
TerraScale is a green technology and infrastructure development company reinventing the future of global sustainable development models. TerraScale places green energy, digital infrastructure and cybersecurity at the center of its data center development projects and solutions. Bringing together the best-in-class partners and service providers across technology, green engineering, cybersecurity, real estate, energy construction firms, and more, TerraScale modernizes businesses and communities around the world- creating solutions and infrastructure that are future-proof.

For more information on TerraScale, please visit: https://terrascale.org

Media Contact

Max Narovlyansky, FlowCell Inc., 1 617-755-9778, maxn@flowcell.co

Philip Eggen, TerraScale Inc., 7754475982, phil@terrascale.org


SOURCE FlowCell Inc.

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