Vandis Wins SearchITChannel’s 2021 Top IT Project Award

ALBERTSON, N.Y., March 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Vandis, Inc., announced it has won the SearchITChannel 2021 Top IT Project Award. This award is for Vandis’ hybrid connectivity deployment project to improve network performance and security across PM Pediatrics’ urgent care centers.

Judging was conducted by the SearchITChannel editorial staff, in conjunction with industry experts. Vandis was selected as a winner according to criteria that included technical innovation, challenges that were overcome, creative partnering, and business benefits.

PM Pediatrics, the nation’s largest urgent care provider for pediatric patients up to age 26, engaged Vandis during the COVID-19 pandemic to create a more cost-effective and secure network infrastructure. The company needed its users at its care centers to be able to share and access files quickly across a secure network, while also giving the IT team greater visibility and management of its network, which spans over 75 urgent care centers.

Vandis designed a solution using Fortinet’s Secure SD-WAN to reduce network bandwidth requirements at each urgent care site. Vandis also implemented FortiManager to unify and centrally manage security policies which could be rapidly deployed across the entire network. To further reduce bandwidth requirements and improve latency of the care centers farthest from the New Jersey based datacenter, Vandis implemented Azure Virtual WAN to create a secure, uncongested pathway for connections between care centers, the datacenter, and their cloud environment.

“Vandis is proud to be recognized by the judges at SearchITChannel,” said Andy Segal, CEO at Vandis. “The need to access patient information quickly and securely is paramount. We delivered a cost-effective solution to improve network reliability, which aligns directly with our client’s mission to ensure that their patients receive superior quality acute care when they need it.”

As a result of this project, PM Pediatrics has achieved significant cost savings from reducing its datacenter footprint and its previous dependency on expensive MPLS lines. And by adding Azure Virtual WAN, network latency has improved between 30% and 70%.

Read the announcement on SearchITChannel or read about PM Pediatrics’ Project on Vandis’ website.

About Vandis

Vandis is an IT Solution provider that offers cyber security and network infrastructure, both on-prem and in the cloud. We have high level relationships with market leading and emerging providers. With over 38 years of industry experience, Vandis offers comprehensive strategies for secure and stable IT infrastructure.

CONTACT: Max Slygh,

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