PRUVN Reveals Human Clinical Trial Results of Max International’s RiboCeine™ Supplementation’s Impact on Serum Glutathione Levels

Findings showed that RiboCeine supplementation elevates serum glutathione levels, with more pronounced effects in older participants

LOS ANGELES, April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — PRUVN Research LLC, [PRUVN], a leading research organization validating wellness products and services, is excited to announce the results of its recent preliminary study with Max International, investigating the impact of RiboCeine supplementation on serum glutathione levels. Glutathione, the master antioxidant in cellular defense against oxidative stress, has garnered significant awareness in the wellness and longevity industry for its potential health benefits with more than 180,000 research articles on glutathione currently listed on the US National Library of Medicine database.

…a preliminary study like this matters because it provides empirical evidence of the product’s potential benefits…

The PRUVN™ preliminary study, involving 40 participants randomly selected aged 38 to 60, revealed promising trends indicating that RiboCeine supplementation elevated serum glutathione levels, with more pronounced effects in older participants.

“At Max International, we are dedicated to excellence and put our products to scientific scrutiny to prove to consumers that Max has the best products on the market,” Joe Voyticky, Executive Chairman of Max International said, adding that “consumers care about actual, legitimate proof that the products they buy are scientifically validated.”

For the past three decades, researchers have conducted 55 peer-reviewed, independent clinical studies on Max International’s patented “cornerstone” compound, primarily using animal models. However, recognizing the need for human clinical trials to further their findings, Max International turned to PRUVN to embark on this next research phase.

Elias Arjan, CEO and Co-Founder at PRUVN, said that one of PRUVN’s core competencies is providing the opportunity for companies to transition from animal models to human clinical trials in a way that’s efficient, cost-effective and scientifically valid. “When a company has already conducted preclinical trials, whether it’s animal models, cell cultures, or in silico via a computer simulation, we don’t have to worry whether the compound has an impact, but rather we can focus on its efficacy in a real-world setting, and ultimately that’s what matters most to customers.”

The supplement industry is witnessing a paradigm shift where consumers are no longer satisfied with mere promises, but seek tangible scientific evidence that validate product efficacy. Additionally, regulatory agencies are moving toward requiring that companies provide comprehensive lists of ingredients and credible scientific evidence to substantiate their product claims. This increased demand from both consumers and authorities means that companies that proactively adapt, embrace transparency and invest in robust scientific research, will gain significant competitive advantage.

Voyticky underscored, “It is the obligation of companies in the supplement industry to ensure the general public that their products actually work.”

From a customer’s perspective, a preliminary study like this matters because it provides empirical evidence of the product’s potential benefits, in this case, increasing serum glutathione levels, which is associated with enhanced antioxidant defense.

“It demonstrates a supplement’s ability to produce a beneficial effect, which can influence customer decision-making, enhance the brand’s reputation and increase customer confidence in the product,” Francisco Cidral, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Founder at PRUVN, explained, adding that “it serves as a differentiator in a crowded market, where many products may not have substantial scientific backing.”

Max International’s team shared that they remain committed to pursuing additional studies to determine definitive evidence of RiboCeine’s role in increasing glutathione levels and additional potential benefits.

Bobbi Horne, Vice President Healthcare Professional Division at Max International, reiterated the company’s dedication to scientific research and meeting consumer expectations, stating that “we see it as an obligation to the consumer to produce supplements with the highest quality ingredients, in formulations that work.”

Study design:

The double-blinded, placebo-controlled human clinical trial was approved by the University of Santa Catarina Ethics Committee and involved 40 participants aged 38 to 60. Participants were randomized into two groups to receive either placebo or RiboCeine supplementation (250 mg daily) for four weeks. Serum glutathione levels were measured at baseline and post-supplementation using a Spectrophotometric Assay (SpectraMax). The study further analyzed the impact of age on glutathione levels by dividing participants into two age groups: 38-50 and 51-60.

Key findings:

The placebo group exhibited a decrease in serum glutathione levels across all age groups, with a higher drop in older participants. In contrast, the RiboCeine™ group experienced a significant 26.6% overall increase in serum glutathione levels, with a more pronounced increase of 64.7% in the older age group. To investigate beyond this initial evidence of effectiveness, as a next step, PRUVN’s science team recommended further research with a larger sample size to reach a comprehensive validation.

The big reveal on the Going Public TV show:

The PRUVN study’s findings, including the journey of Max International partnering with PRUVN for this human trial, will be unveiled on the Going Public TV show in May 2024. This segment will provide viewers with a firsthand account of the process behind investigating product efficacy and highlight both companies’ dedication to scientific rigor.

About PRUVN Research LLC

PRUVN™ is a pioneering company dedicated to transforming the wellness and longevity industry by providing a service for brands to validate their products through rigorous scientific evaluation. PRUVN’s mission is to empower consumers to make evidence-based decisions about their health and well-being. PRUVN is currently recruiting for studies that are open to the general public to join. Click here to participate in one of the upcoming PRUVN studies. For more information on PRUVN, please visit and follow the company’s LinkedIn page for the latest news and updates.

About Max International

Established in 2007, Max International is committed to improving quality of life through their scientifically formulated and validated health products. Operating in over 20 countries, Max International continues to expand its reach, helping individuals achieve their health goals through innovative and effective supplements. For more information, visit or

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