Workhorse Health Introduces Innovative Mental Health Services for Ontario’s Caregivers and Their Families

TORONTO, May 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Workhorse Health is on a mission to bridge the gap in mental health services by providing support for those navigating the challenges of caregiving. They have become the first company in Ontario to offer family-funded healthcare services for individuals through personalized psychotherapy and tailored care solutions.

Founded in March 2020 by Registered Social Worker, Megan Mantle, WH offers direct one-to-one psychotherapy, bedside care, as well as personalized one-year care plans. Their services equip families with the resources needed to navigate caregiving responsibilities while prioritizing their mental health.

“There is a current caregiving crisis and action must be taken to address this need. Caregivers put tremendous care in others, yet they are often overlooked,” Mantle says. “At Workhorse Health, we are committed to not only bridging this gap in the healthcare system, but also enhancing the lives of caregivers, caregiving patients, and affected families.”

Mantle began offering psychotherapy sessions to help individuals overcome burnout and other mental health challenges following the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this experience, Mantle found a solution to support individuals and families in need of mental health support.

There is a dedicated team of eight healthcare professionals including registered social workers, registered psychotherapists, and registered nurses. To date, the company has supported over 150 clients and client families and has developed partnerships with 20 organizations providing essential care for caregivers and their families.

For more information about Workhorse Health please visit or contact Megan Mantle at

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