Therap Services Enhances Healthcare Efficiency with Secure Document Signing Module for Streamlined Digital Signatures

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TORRINGTON, Conn., Nov. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Therap Services, the national leader in providing HIPAA-compliant electronic documentation solutions to organizations and caregivers in the LTSS, HCBS, and broader human services settings is excited to introduce the Secure Document Signing Module (SDS) for streamlined digital signatures. This innovative module is set to transform how agencies manage document signing, offering enhanced security and operational efficiency.

The Secure Document Signing (SDS) Module from Therap Services provides a streamlined approach for users to upload PDF documents, assign appropriate Therap users to apply their signatures or initials, and then make these documents available for signing. Once published, these documents appear in the designated signers’ “To Do” tabs, simplifying the process of adding signatures. The module also offers the capability to download signed documents and re-upload them to Therap platform to confirm their authenticity, ensuring they have not been altered after signing.

The SDS module is versatile, supporting various document types such as Agency, Individual, Case Notes, and Individual Plan, making it a comprehensive solution for the healthcare sector’s diverse documentation needs. It allows agency-wide administrators and those in specific administrative roles to create SDS documents for organizational use, while providers with specific caseload roles can generate documents for individual cases. This integration with existing Case Note and Individual Plan workflows introduces a “Secure Document Signing” section for users with designated roles, streamlining the documentation process further.

The process of using the SDS feature is user-friendly; agencies or individuals simply upload the needed PDF to the Therap system. The interface is intuitive, facilitating the easy marking of areas on the document where signatures or initials are required. Once the document is ready and published, signees can apply their signatures as outlined. The system also provides functionalities to search, sign, update, and discontinue SDS documents, enhancing the efficiency of document management.

With the introduction of the SDS module, Therap continues to lead in the enhancement of digital solutions within healthcare. This module not only simplifies the document signing process but also enhances security and usability, fostering a more effective digital workflow for healthcare professionals.

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About Therap

Therap’s comprehensive and HIPAA-compliant software is used in human services settings for documentation, communication, reporting, EVV and billing.

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