CANNALOGIX Congratulates The California Senate For Passing Ryan’s Law

PORTLAND, OR / ACCESSWIRE / March 26, 2021 / Cannalogix is honored to congratulate the California Senate for unanimously passing SB 311 this week. We would like to support and encourage the CA Assembly and Governor Newsom and his office to put this landmark bill into law and provide Californians much needed relief.

SB 311 (Ryan’s Law) Compassionate Access to Medical Cannabis Act, will provide a long overdue and much needed change in policy, permitting our colleagues to be both compassionate and complicit in providing a higher quality of life to fellow Californians when they need it most. The Cannalogix Foundation Research Institute voices their complete support for SB 311, Ryan’s Law.

Ryan’s Law will lessen suffering and improve the quality of life for patients who are struggling at the end-of-life. It will also close a fundamental gap by providing a health care facility with legal protections so patients who choose to access cannabis in an in-patient setting have the ability to access and use their medical cannabis. While Ryan’s Law will still prohibit smoking and vaping in health care facilities, medical cannabis will be allowed to be administered to terminally ill patients in an in-patient setting under certain restrictions.

SB 311 Ryan’s Law provides the following: 1) clearance for healthcare facilities to reasonably restrict the manner in which a patient stores and uses medical cannabis, so as to ensure the safety of other patients, guests, providers and employees of the healthcare facility, 2) exclusion of patients who are receiving emergency care, nor state hospitals and 3) expressly prohibits smoking and vaping medical cannabis. Ryan’s Law provides a safe harbor clause, allowing for healthcare facilities to suspend the program if there is any federal intervention. All of this is done to protect the health and safety of patients, employees and others.

Patients continue to be disproportionately discriminated against in the healthcare system, especially in regards to the right to choose your own method of wellness. Healthcare facilities must have a clear legal path to provide patients with access to medical cannabis while in their facilities. Ryan’s Law provides that.

J.B. Creel, PgM, Cannalogix Foundation Research Institute’s Director of Research and Development is quoted as saying, “Ryan’s Law will illuminate the darkest of circumstances allowing patients to get access to the medicine they choose and actually have a quality of life at the end rather than having to suffer and die in agony. As a result, our communities will be safer, since there will be less prescription drugs that make it to the street by default. We encourage unified support for SB 311!”

Please take a moment to voice your support for SB 311 today by calling the California Assembly and Governor Newsom so that patients can get the relief they deserve.

Cannalogix Foundation Research Institute is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to researching, developing and implementing leading edge solutions that lead to a cleaner environment, a healthier society and an environment capable of sustaining generations to come.

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Public Relations
Sophaur One, EVP, Director of Communications

SOURCE: Compassion Center


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