AdhereHealth’s Digital Pharmacy Launches New Compliance Packaging Solution for Underserved, Higher Risk Patients


NASHVILLE, Tenn., June 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — AdhereHealth, a healthcare technology leader in medication adherence insights and health outcomes, today announced its digital pharmacy, AdhereRx, has launched AdherePack™, an innovative digital pharmacy solution for health plans that serve high-risk populations such as Medicare Advantage, Dual Special Needs Plans (DSNP), and Medicaid plans.

“Better adherence reduces the cost of care nearly $1,000 PMPM for duals when patients use compliance packaging.”

Managing multiple medications every day is a real challenge for higher risk patients who are often living with chronic conditions, cognitive dysfunction or mental health conditions and reliance on caregivers. Chronically ill patients struggle to remember important details, such as which pills to take at what time of day or which should be taken with food. Individuals who are homebound or living in rural areas without pharmacies may also face access issues that prevent them from getting prescriptions filled or refilled. These missed doses where patients fail to take medications as prescribed is a risk for quality and experience, health plan medical cost and government-sponsored value-based care reimbursements.

“Medication nonadherence is currently a half-a-trillion-dollar-a-year problem and represents over 50% of Medicare Advantage Star Ratings weighting attribution. Many of the issues leading to non-adherence are rooted in social determinants of health (SDOH). Health plans must have the right tools to target higher risk, underserved members and offer comprehensive support that can foster better experiences and outcomes. Research shows patients self-dose their medications 96% adherently when using medication pouches packaged by date and time. Better adherence reduces the cost of care nearly $1,000 per member per month (PMPM) for duals when patients use compliance packaging,” said Jason Z. Rose, CEO of AdhereHealth.

AdherePack is an innovative solution that combines AdhereHealth’s advanced analytics capabilities with next-generation robotic technology at AdhereRx, the company’s nationwide digital pharmacy. The Adhere Platform leverages predictive analytics to identify higher risk patients with barriers to care that cause medication nonadherence. AdhereRx pharmacies analyze patient medication information to determine which medications individuals should be taking based on his or her medical profile. Advanced robotics at AdhereRx’s pharmacies integrate these analytics into automated workflows to seamlessly process prescription dispensing, packaging multiple medications into easy-to-understand blister packaging or dosage strips in which pills are sorted by dose date and time. Medication synchronization anchors all patient prescription fills at AdhereRx pharmacies on the same day every month.

“The rise of digital pharmacies has created new opportunities to engage with higher risk patients in underserved communities – and provide better, more personalized care, including personalized medication packaging like AdherePack,” said Rose. “Using advanced technologies, we now make it easier to identify higher risk patients who have complex drug routines to self-dose all their medications in a single container, at the right time. Combining all these interventions into an omni-channel outreach program can significantly improve the patient experience, which has taken on a new level of importance for Medicare Advantage plans given CAHPS® measures in Medicare Advantage Star Ratings now represent 32% of the overall weighting in 2021.”

AdherePacks are delivered by a contact-free private courier directly to the patient’s door, with pharmacy care teams checking to ensure new or adjusted prescriptions are integrated into each month’s delivery. Throughout the process, AdhereRx clinicians work closely with care providers and patients to conduct monthly medication reviews and drug utilization reviews (DURs) that can prevent medical errors or adverse events. Personalized engagement ensures patients take the most affordable medications for their needs, including tackling SDOH issues that are prominent for these higher risk populations.

To learn more about how the solution works and the benefits it delivers for health plans, visit AdhereRx website.

About AdhereHealth™
AdhereHealth delivers purpose-built, innovative technology solutions to improve quality of care, medication adherence and cost outcomes – all with an emphasis on overcoming social determinants of health (SDOH) and improving patient experience. AdhereRx, an AdhereHealth digital pharmacy, provides higher risk, underserved patients with personalized pharmacy services that drive medication compliance and reduce unnecessary utilization costs. This unique combination of predictive analytics, intelligent clinical workflow software and proactive telepharmacy outreach performed by a nationwide team of licensed clinicians addresses an estimated half a trillion dollars of unnecessary annual medical costs attributed to medication adherence issues. Today, the Adhere™ Platform touches nearly 30 million patients across dozens of health plans, self-insured employers and other risk-bearing entities. Learn more at

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Andrea LePain
eMedia Junction

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