BetterMe Self-Care Year Challenge: 12 Months – 12 New Habits


SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Jan. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — With the holiday season just around the corner, many of us aspire to achieve ambitious goals in record time, hoping they will change our lives forever. Even though the new year is indeed a great opportunity to mark a new chapter of life, only a few of us will actually get to celebrate victory.

To help our users on their journey, BetterMe Health Coaching is introducing a 365-Day Challenge for sustainable and long-lasting results. While practicing one new habit for 30 days, you can focus on different areas of your well-being in a holistic way. Each month is dedicated to a specific and realistic goal. This provides enough time and space for the biggest impact.

BetterMe Self-Care Year Challenge focuses on 12 areas of life to be improved, including:

  • January – Go dry for 30 days. Give your body a break! Quit alcohol for 30 days, and you will improve your sleep quality, boost your energy, and lose weight.
  • February – 28 days plank and push-ups challenge. Learn how to do the plank and push-ups correctly. You will develop a healthy posture, build core strength, improve body alignment, and boost your metabolism.
  • March – Inner harmony. This month you will experience all the benefits of meditation. Staying healthy mentally is just as important as being physically strong.
  • April – Cardio workouts. Boost your level of endurance, and you will be surprised to feel your best and see your body transform in no time.
  • May – Plant-based month. Veggies are an awesome source of fiber. Try eating less meat and at least 400 grams of vegetables and reap all the possible benefits.
  • June – Maintaining water balance. Staying properly hydrated is not as easy as it might seem. Maintaining good hydration improves your metabolism, skin and hair condition.
  • July – Walking. Motion is life. The more you move, the healthier you are. Add more steps to your daily routine and become more agile.
  • August – Giving up social media. Living mindfully will help you to appreciate each moment to its fullest and maintain good mental health.
  • September – Quit sugar for 30 days. Beat that sugar addiction and show it who’s boss! Go sugar-free for 30 days to prevent acne, headaches, obesity, and mood swings.
  • October – Boosting flexibility. Flexibility is the answer to your problems. It promotes a positive state of mind, good physical performance, and a sense of balance.
  • November – Sleeping soundly. Proper rest is underrated. Learning to sleep better as a good night’s sleep is essential for a strong immune system, a sound mind, and body.
  • December – Practicing self-appreciation. Everyone needs compassion, and you are not an exception. Show yourself some love and understanding.

You don’t need a hundred habits to live a happy life. 12 right ones are enough to make a difference. Keep it to one goal a month, focus all your energy on it, and be determined to succeed.

Do habits make us or break us? That’s up to us to decide. Change might be uncomfortable at the beginning, but in the long run, it can turn your life around. So keep an eye on the big picture. Rather than trying to change everything about your life at once, try tackling life one habit at a time.

A new challenge will be available in BetterMe: Health Coaching on December 20th in English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

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