New Podcast from Mindfulness Exercises Inspires Self-Compassion, Presence and Resilience in these Challenging Times

BERKELEY, Calif., June 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A hotly anticipated mindfulness podcast has launched in response to an urgent need for innovative tools to cope with stress during these challenging times.

“Now more than ever, with stressors and addictions on the rise, people are looking for healthier ways to cope with life’s challenges.” 

With this podcast, Mindfulness Exercises, the popular online resource for mindful living, brings people new ways to experience greater present-moment awareness, self-compassion, and inspiration for sharing the fruits of their mindfulness with others.

Since 2015, more than 7 million people have benefited from Mindfulness Exercises’ range of premium mindfulness trainings. Now, this podcast takes listeners on guided experiential journeys that include fascinating insights and meditation practices for mindfulness practitioners and teachers alike.

“Now more than ever, with stressors and addictions on the rise, people are looking for healthier ways to cope with life’s challenges,” said Sean Fargo, mindfulness trainer and founder of Mindfulness Exercises.

“Each episode offers innovative, research-backed tools to transform anxiety, stress and depression with self-compassion and mindful presence,” he added.

Sean Fargo also shares insights from his unique experiences as a:

  • Buddhist monk for 2 years 
  • mindfulness consultant for Fortune 500 companies (Tesla, Ernst & Young, Kaiser Permanente) 
  • mindfulness teacher trainer for the E.P.A, Canadian Olympic Team, and Navy Seals 

Along with Fargo, globally renowned teachers like Sharon Salzberg, Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. Judson Brewer and Dr. Rick Hanson offer insights and evidence-based exercises that anyone can apply at work or at home. 

Listeners can look forward to episodes that feature:

  • How mindfulness can soften our inner critic, lower anxiety, and reduce insomnia 
  • Mindfulness practices that are trauma sensitive, rather than trauma focused or trauma avoidant 
  • How to teach mindfulness and meditation with confidence, compassion, and credibility 

Tune into this new podcast on any major podcast platform, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Audible

Learn more at: 

About Us 

Mindfulness Exercises is an online platform which shares resources and trainings for mindfulness practitioners and teachers alike. 

Our intention is to encourage mindfulness and meditation practice around the world, regardless of religion, race or socio-economic background. 

By 2025, we hope to have shared mindfulness practices with over 200 million people in the following ways: 

  • By supporting individuals in their pursuit of a consistent and meaningful mindfulness practice. 
  • By training mindfulness teachers to skillfully and compassionately share mindfulness with others. 
  • By bringing mindfulness to organizations and governmental agencies to inspire more conscious service. 

Find out more at  

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